In 1892 Union Grand Commandery petitioned the United Grand Commandery of the State of Pennsylvania and the Royal Religions Military and Masonic Jurisdiction while under a dispensation.
On October 20, 1892 (A.O. 772) in the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania with it's officers and members present at their Annual State Grand Conclave of Knights Templars under the leadership of W. J. Glover Eminent Grand Commander, Shelton Richardson Eminent Grand Generalissimo, and Henry Baxter Eminent Grand Captain General. In open session held an official election of officers and installed them held an official Chartering Ceremony which marks the start of what is today known as Union Grand Commandery No. 22 Magnanimous Order of Knights Templar Masons PHA of the Commonwealth of Florida, US St. Johns VI, Belize, and Jurisdictions.
Past Right Eminent Grand Commanders
1st Rueben S. Mitchell 1892 - 1905
2nd William Arthur Glover 1905 - 1920
3rd Henry Baxter 1920 - 19xx
4th Benjamin Gilbert 19xx - 195x
5th Rudolph Bradley 195x - 1964
6th Hilton Brown 1964 - 197x
7th Augustus P. Cox, KYCH 197x - 198x
8th Samuel Bolden, KYGCH 198x - 1997
9th Russell A. Earl Sr., KYGCH 1997 - 2005
10th Arthur J. Mincey, KCT KYGCH 2005 - 2009
11th Marvin Richardson, KYGCH 2009 - 2011
12th Henry L. Puyol, KYGCH 2011 - 2014
13th Cleveland Morley Jr., KYGCH 2014 - 2017
14th Rico Merritt, KYGCH 2017 - 2021
15th Byron Willis, KYGCH 2021 - 2024
16th Valentino McBride Jr., KCT KYCH 2024 -
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Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go to font for titles, paragraphs & more.